Friday, August 19, 2011

Score Peter Pan Peanut butter for $0.25 at Meijer tomorrow (Saturday) ONLY!!

Peter Pan Peanut Butter is on sale at Meijer SATURDAY ONLY for $1.25. Here’s how you can SCORE IT FOR $0.25!
Peter Pan Peanut Butter $1.25
- use $0.50/1 Peter Pan Peanut Butter (use code 63829897)
Final Price $0.25 - NOW THAT IS A GREAT DEAL!!

Thank you (Meijer Madness!!)


Good Stewardess said...

There's also a $1/3 Meijer Mealbox coupon to stack with the printable mfr coupon, making it 3 jars for $.25 total!

Joni said...

Unfortunately, that coupon expires today so you cannot use it tomorrow:(

Good Stewardess said...

Oh, darn! But you're right, 25 cents is still a great price!